Yes, you read it right. I have been to the summit of Mt. Fuji! Yayy! That was my first mountain climbing experience and guess what? I'm not coming back up there. :)
No, I'm not scaring you. I'm just not into climbing especially that high and cold. Imagine an elevation of 3,776 meters with temperature reaching up to 5 degrees Celsius, not to mention the low level of oxygen and the strong wind which makes it even colder.
Anyways, this post might be helpful if you are planning to climb Mt. Fuji. If not, well just read on to feel how it was climbing the tallest mountain of Japan.
By the way, there are various trails to choose in climbing the mountain. The most popular and easy one they say is the Yoshida Trail. Since some of my group mates had been on that trail before, we decided to take the Subashiri Trail, a bit difficult one.
I didn't even know that if you plan to climb Mt. Fuji, or Fuji-san as the Japanese call it, you need to have enough preparation time. Not just for your gears but also physical training. Others spent a month doing some exercises. Now I know why it is important. You will be climbing for hours with heavy baggage on your back so you have to condition your body for that.
Since we don't have enough time, I did what I could. A week before the climb I'd gone jogging every night. That's all the physical training I had. A one-week jogging just to prepare my feet and legs for hours of climbing.
I'm not an outdoor person and I don't have the gears needed to climb so I had to prepare, or rather buy, them.
Things I bought:
- pair of trekking shoes
- a sleeping bag
- a head lamp
- a pair of gaiters
- a wind breaker jacket
- a wicking shirt (yeah I know quite a few climbing terms)
- a bottle of oxygen spray
- 2 liters of water
- food (energy bars and chocolate bars, bought some burger from Mc Donalds)
All in all, I had like 9Kg of weight in shoulder. And oh, it's better to have a hiking bag with a strap for the waist in order to lift off some weight from your shoulder.
Going There
The kick-off was from Tokyo Station. We are staying in Chiba so we got on a train for Tokyo. From Tokyo Station we got on a bus that took us to Gotemba Station. From Gotemba Station, we transfer to another bus that took us on a winding road up to the 5th Station of Mt. Fuji.
The Climb
August 19, 2013
The 5th Station is always the starting
point for people who wish to climb the Mt. Fuji. We arrived there just before 3
PM and wasted no time preparing for the climb. We did some basic warm-up
exercises to start it off. Outfits were changed; trekking poles came out and of
course, cameras.
Stretching those limbs. |
The wind was already a bit chilly with
fog coming in once in a while. I hadn't really keep track of time but it was
still daylight when we arrived at the 6th Station.
From the old 7th Station, elevation at 3200 meters. |
The temperature was dropping and we take out our winter jackets, gloves and bonnets. I was getting drained already. My head was aching and the foods I ate all went
out on the way into the station. I guess this is because we were on higher
altitude already and the oxygen level was getting low.
Preparing for the cold night ahead |
The 10th Station greeted me with two lion statues. I waited for my group to catch up with me so we could take some pictures together but I got impatient and continued on.
Entrance to the
summit. I should have been there at the center if someone was there to take the
picture. Cannot do a selfie pic on that condition.
The remaining steps to the summit was really unbearable. I was literally dragging up my whole body. It was like I was taking three steps and I have to stop to catch my breath.
Finally, around 1:30 AM, I was there and the first thing I saw was the vending machine and the bench. I sat right down and didn't move. I closed my eyes and didn't mind the strong wind that was blowing. The temperature was around 5 degrees Celcius, maybe even lower because of the non-stop blowing of the wind. Guess what? I didn't even bother to take a picture of how it looked like up there. The things you forgot when you're in a bad condition.
Oh well, after a couple minutes my group mates came. We looked for a good spot to sleep on and we choose the one where we can see the sunrise front up in the morning. So we got out our sleeping bag and have some snooze.
There were few people when we got there but when we woke up at around 4 AM the place was packed. I didn't even noticed that there were shops selling soup and hot drinks. So we got up, packed our belongings and waited to see the first hint of the sunlight. I bought myself a hot cocoa and it was truly rejuvenating.
Here are some pics taken at the summit.
Front up waiting for the sunrise. |
The sun slowly peeking at the whole world. |
Didn't have good camera for taking sunrise. It was a beautiful sight. |
After the sunrise, we went to check out the crater of Mt. Fuji.
I think these rocks came from the volcano a long time ago. |
The crater at my back. Cannot get a deeper picture inside. |
It was a great view from up there.
Going Down
August 20, 2013
We went down via the Subashiri Trail still. I think this was the worst part of the whole climb. The trail is a sand run and yes, you have to run through the sand to make it easier.
Seems like an endless sand run. |
I did run at first but then my feet got sore and I had to slow down. I was tired, irritated and full of dust.
We had to sit on the sand on take a rest. We were dusty everywhere. |
The climb down took us around 4 hours. The bus was waiting for us in the 5th Station and took us back to Gotemba Station after which we transfer to another bus that took us to Tokyo Station.
Well, it was a great experience and it was my first one. I can say that I will still climb other mountains but this w
ill be my last climb to Mt. Fuji. As the Japanese says, anybody would be a fool not to climb Mount Fuji once—but a fool to do so twice.
If you happen to visit Japan on the climbing season (July to August), don't miss the opportunity to visit Mt. Fuji. If you are not into climbing, you can just go up to the 5th Station by bus and have some picture taking.